Overview – Contacts
What is a Contact?
Contacts are your clients and customers. From a Martial Arts view, contacts are your martial arts students.
What is the different between Contacts vs Accounts used in other CRM applications?
Accounts used in other CRM applications represent a Company instead of a contact. Multiple Contacts may reside under one account. This setup works best in large enterprise environment where more than one person representing single account/company.
What is the disadvantage of using Contacts model instead of Accounts for Martial Arts’ Schools?
The only disadvantage will be maintaining parents/dependents information for brothers/sisters attending the same school. In Accounts model, you may create one account for 2 students and assign 1 contact as a parent. Alternatively, you can create one account per student but link two parents as separate contacts. However, the added complication is not worth it for martial arts’ schools.